Developing High-Performing Leaders and Teams through Commitment, Courage, Competence, and Confidence.

Welcome to Nate Sassaman Leadership

Our organization uses decades of leadership experience and strategic communication skills to improve the understanding of self and others (self-awareness). This widely proven coaching style enhances trust, communication, discipline and transparency within your business environment. We coach and teach with a high-energy professional delivery and your company will benefit from understanding the fundamental dynamics of effective teams through debate, commitment, accountability, and overall team success. We set strategic priorities, plan, and vision for the upcoming year to include tracking results. We identify and focus on ‘Command Presence’ and ‘Leading in Crisis/Leading Change’. We want all your employees at ANY LEVEL to come away with highly effective tools to lead, grow and succeed with confidence in their careers as well as in their personal lives.

Meet Nate…

Lt. Colonel NATE SASSAMAN, USA (Ret.)

Nate Sassaman is a 1985 West Point graduate whose leadership skills have been demonstrated from the battlefield to the boardroom. LTC (R) Sassaman led over 1,000 soldiers as a Combined Arms Infantry Battalion Commander in the heart of the Sunni Triangle from 2003-2004. Using the leadership lessons taught at West Point and the hard lessons on the Iraqi battlefield, Nate takes his amazing leadership experiences and develops today’s leaders and aspiring leaders at some of the largest companies and government agencies in the United States.

A West Point All-American QB, Army Airborne Ranger, decorated combat veteran, best selling author, and seasoned leader, Nate has developed and coached thousands of executives, managers, front-line supervisors, teachers, coaches, and aspiring leaders nation-wide in the past decade. His small team workshops focused on your leadership journey, overall team dynamics, and the leader-coach concept helps knit groups into high performing teams. Nate’s high-energy approach, challenging facilitator methods, and focused determination on developing his student leaders and their teams makes for the best leadership training available. His St. Martin’s Press published book, Warrior King, has sold over a 100,000 copies and is a regional best-seller.

Nate delivers leadership workshops, executive coaching, and keynote addresses to our nation’s largest companies (Home Depot, State Farm, Northwestern Mutual) and numerous public agencies (Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties, CA). His combat leadership experiences were featured in the BBC’s 2020 award-winning “Once Upon a Time in Iraq” documentary.


BS, United States Military Academy (West Point)

MPA, Public Administration, University of Washington

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Nate Sassaman


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.